Discovery on your doorstep

It feels like the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives forever, but I have finally managed to find one small positive to come out of it. When the tough restrictions came in earlier in the year, we all suddenly became obsessed with getting our permitted hour of exercise in each day. While travel was restricted I don't think I'm alone in saying many of us discovered wonderful walks right on our doorsteps. 

I have friends who live in big cities who discovered beautiful winding lanes, and canal walks which were much more enjoyable without the crazy crowds that would normally occupy those parts of the UK. I'm lucky enough to live on the outskirts of a city, within close reach of the countryside, and I unearthed some wonderful walks and the best bit was there were hardly any other people around. 

It has been difficult to stay positive with everything that we're experiencing in the world just now but keep your chin up; get out in the open air whatever the weather and discover the area you live in - you never know what you might find!


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