Happy 1st birthday Travel Lightbulb!

Is it possible for a blog to have a birthday? Well I have decided it is, as I had to mark the occasion somehow! I can't believe a whole year has passed since I started travel blogging, and I have loved every minute of it.

The idea came from a fantastic e-course I did which encouraged me to look at life from a different angle, and to try and do what I love every day. Since then I have made significant changes both in my life, and my career - and from there the blog was born!

As a girl who's passionate about holidays and travelling, I started Travel Lightbulb because so many friends and family asked me for tips on where to go, and what to do. I thought it was selfish not to share the amazing spots I have found with others; and along the way, I have now also discovered some incredible places that I would like to visit myself in the future.

So what's next for Travel Lightbulb? Well I'm working on some new features, and have some posts lined up that I know you're doing to love! In the meantime, I just want to keep dreaming of those places out there that I haven't yet discovered. I'd love to hear your comments on my first year of blogging, so feel free to leave them below, or send them to the email address on my contact page. Thanks for following, and here's to the second year!


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